Recent Comments: AllClockInfo: decimal clock time
The decimal clock time seems to be off. At 2:30 regular time, DCT says 3:54, omitting the seconds in both. DCT should be a little more than 1:00.
Am I somehow misreading the time, or is it really a bug?
posted 2023-03-31 by Steven Lytle The omission of seconds on the widget is deliberate as the such frequent screen updates are discouraged or even disallowed by the OS.
However it should still update about every minute. Check the latest version (1.42) as there is a fix for this.
General: We Love WordStar!
Have been playing WordStar with friends (and strangers) for years. Glad that it's still around. Would love to see a sequel one of these days. Thanks SPWebGames!
posted 2023-02-18 by Lukas Abbott Daylight: Daylight savings?
I'm running this with a time step of 24hrs and at some point just before April (presumably the last Sunday in March) the sun snaps to the left, then snaps back at the end of October. Is the simulation taking account of daylight savings time when it shouldn't be?
posted 2022-12-07 by Jim Yes, the simulation is based on local device time, so will appear to jump forward/back on hour for regions that observe daylight saving time.
DaylightAndroid: Time Zones
I have Newfoundland time on my phone it seems only because I went there, while it is not available as an option on my tablet that I left at home. Starnge?
posted 2022-10-27 by Albert DaylightAndroid: Time zone for Las Vegas is incorrect
Las Vegas is in the Pacific time zone. Your app has it in Mountain time. Please correct this. Thanks.
posted 2022-10-16 by Tim Easton OthelloAndroid: Broken and Android 13
Running a pixel 6 pro upgraded to Android 13 and the game no longer works. App will open but when you go to lunch a game, the game board never opens in the app just crashes.
posted 2022-09-25 by Andy ClockInfoAndroid: Widgets
If only the widgets had the minor divisions of time too.
In the app clocks run smoothly but not in widgets so please fix it. otherwise it's great!!!!!
posted 2020-08-31 by Pranav Thanks for your question. The widgets are not allowed to update their state very often, as being visible on the home screen, it would cause too much battery drain on the device. That's why the minor divisions are not shown on the widgets!
ClockInfoAndroid: Double decimaltime
Hi, How about a Double decimal time? I'm almost obsessed with it and have been looking for such a clock for nearly infinite time. .. :) just 20 hours instead of 24. 10 at day, 10 at night, every hour has 100 minutes, every minute 100 seconds. : D
posted 2020-07-26 by Aaron DaylightAndroid: Can I use this map as my wallpaper?
I would like to use this app as a wallpaper. Would it be possible? If so, please let me know how?
posted 2020-06-20 by Viva OthelloAndroid: Biggles
Is it possible to play an opponent of choice or is it random?
posted 2020-05-02 by James harldy CalendarInfoAndroid: Chinese Calendar months?
When you can could you add the chinese month names if they are advalible
posted 2020-03-09 by Joshua Lichkay CalendarInfoAndroid: Hindu/ Buddhist Calendars
You have the Jewish and Muslim caledars but it could help to have a Hindu and Buddhist calendar in order to figure out dates for there festivals for study.
posted 2020-03-08 by Joshua Lichkay CalendarInfoAndroid: Celtic Tree Calendar )0(
Thankyou for adding the Egyptian calender. For a suggestion for a new calendar, why not add the Celtic tree calendar.
posted 2020-03-07 by Joshua Lichkay CalendarInfoAndroid: Egyptian calender
I love the calenders but I would love to see their be an ancient egyptian calender. I am obsessed with ancient egypt. Thank you.
posted 2020-02-18 by Joshua Lichkay CalendarInfoAndroid: Calenders of Buddhism and Hinduism?
I saw that there are calenders for judaism and islam, could you add a hindu or buddhist calender for cultural referenceses. Also I would like some ancient calenders like Egyptian like i said earlier. These are just suggestions. Thanks for listening. )0(
posted 2020-02-18 by Joshua Lichkay DaylightAndroid: Setting location
At the top of the screen, it says Washington DC. I have set a user location of Redmond Oregon. How do I get Redmond to replace the Wash DC at the top of the screen? I am a registered user.
posted 2019-12-14 by George ClockInfoAndroid: true Binary time rules!
It's hard to find, and I think it's the best. Thank you for making it available. If there were wristwatches and wall clocks of it, i'd get them.
posted 2019-11-10 by Fellow nerd DaylightAndroid: changing location
it doesnt look like I can save the location. The default seems to be London England.
posted 2019-07-01 by Endoph Daize The app remembers the last selected location. If you have had set it "phone location" (i.e. GPS), but GPS has been disabled on your device, then it falls back to selecting London.
ClockInfoAndroid: True Dozenal Clock
Thanks for app!
I would like to see a clock with the day divided in 12 units, those units divided in 12 etc. Probably three hands is enough. Having the 6 at top would be ideal (representing the relative position of the sun). Note that the first unit = 2 hours, the second = 10 minutes, the third = 50 seconds (and furthermore the fourth = apx. 4 seconds, the fifth = apx 1/3 second).
posted 2019-06-01 by Tom DaylightAndroid: City coordinates
I would like to suggest that you make cities visible.
posted 2019-05-31 by Bonga Mchunu Cities can be indicated with an option on the settings page.
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