Recent Scores:
Player 20 (42-22 3:01)
Player -28 (18-46 3:29)
GoLasconi 8 (36-28 4:07)
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Reversi (sometimes known as "Othello") is a two-player strategy game where the players take turns to put counters on an 8x8 square board. When a player places a counter, it captures any of his opponent's counters which become "sandwiched" by his own. Captured counters change colour to indicate which player has captured them.
Each turn, you must place a counter on a square that results in at least one opposing counter being captured. As you move the mouse over a square, a small tick or cross will appear to indicate whether it is a valid move. Occasionally a player may not be able to make a legal move in which case he will forfeit his turn.
The game ends when all the squares on the board are filled with counters. The winner is the player who has the most counters.
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