
Quiz Quest - Player Rankings

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Top 100 Ranked Players - Global

1.Nov 18GBSte 8601 stars
2.Nov 18USFred 2101 stars
3.Nov 17GBWindy 3101 stars

¹ Table shows players active since 2024-10-22
² Rating is calculated after 38 matches played

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Top Countries (ranked players)

1. United States United States 5624See rankings for United States
2. United Kingdom United Kingdom 2623See rankings for United Kingdom
3. Netherlands Netherlands 223See rankings for Netherlands
4. Canada Canada 190See rankings for Canada
5. Australia Australia 166See rankings for Australia
6. Germany Germany 159See rankings for Germany
7. Sweden Sweden 137See rankings for Sweden
8. Croatia Croatia 127See rankings for Croatia
9. Romania Romania 112See rankings for Romania
10. India India 108See rankings for India

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