
Reversi Online - Player Rankings

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Top 100 Ranked Players - United Kingdom

1.Apr 19GB227 392705 stars 1789
2.Mar 12GBCally 730501125 stars 1739
3.Apr 11GBBurt 491346125 stars 1724
4.Apr 28GB227 104004 stars 1614
5.Apr 15GB5hithead44 20003 stars
6.Apr 29GBUK 311313 stars
7.Apr 29GBArchie 241203 stars
8.Feb 15GBMarty 231003 stars
9.Apr 13GBAdar 16002 stars
10.Apr 15GB5hithead44 2001 stars
11.Feb 02GBPat 2001 stars

¹ Table shows players active since 2024-01-31
² Rating is calculated after 38 matches played

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Top Countries (ranked players)

1. United States United States 25192See rankings for United States
2. United Kingdom United Kingdom 8633See rankings for United Kingdom
3. Russian Federation Russian Federation 7312See rankings for Russian Federation
4. Japan Japan 6884See rankings for Japan
5. Spain Spain 4495See rankings for Spain
6. Taiwan Taiwan 4357See rankings for Taiwan
7. China China 3206See rankings for China
8. Brazil Brazil 2722See rankings for Brazil
9. Greece Greece 2605See rankings for Greece
10. Thailand Thailand 2568See rankings for Thailand

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